It's just two months that I am far from you and my job. I was expecting some good news from there, but day by day it is getting worse .I heard, the place, where I used to work and spend with you guys has became the ground of confrontation between the armed force and rest of you. I am very worried that how you are being able to tolerate all this things. The government, which is trying to impose autocracy has saw you guys the main obstacle for their plan to eliminate the rule of law from country. I remember when we used to write an article on the favour of peoples and thier concerns most of us were targeted by the securities, who were paid by our taxes. I could not forget that day when Saugat was kidnapped and tortured whole day and night in security van. I can still feel grief and tears of her wife ,which she might have felt whole night . I am now thousands miles far from you eventhough near through the net and surfing online news of Nepal. I just knew that, the chair, where we used to sit with accumulating whole knowledge getting only after many years of journalism school, is now became the tools of rifle man. A man, who never could became a master of his own mind would able to teach you guys how to use your minds?
Dear friend, I am very anxious about the millions of peoples, who already accepted radio as a intimate friend of their life , for an information and education. Thousands of peoples who have already found the radio as their ultimate tool to express their voice. Which was never possible on the history of 50 years of state runed radio broadcasting . I still remember that the women's cheers when she got back her buffalo with in an hour, which was lost since two days, just after an hour we broadcated her appealed to give information of her missing buffalo. I still remember the boy, who was suffering from the heart disease in hospital for months, got well treatment after the news broadcasted to donate for his treatment . Now who will announce the meeting of womens saving group ? how they are becoming empower through the saving and credit program which was lunched only six months ago ?, who will share the information, how to protect their rice crops well for next year. Now, the vegetables grown by 70 years old grand mother, will unable to bring her products up to market on right time. How will she survive ?? The students of the 10th grade who started to environment and health campagin on the village will be stopped . The orientation to the youth about human rights and their responsibility to the society will not be continued . How would the people suffering from the diseases will able to know, that, where is the next free health camp is going to be held ? My dear friend I am so anxious about future of our country.It is well known that in every world , the dictator always wants to crushed the free media ,so they could bombard the propaganda of their regime. But the people of Nepal have already faced this problem in 1959, when the King Mahendra blamed the political parties for not being success to handle the state , and took over the power on his hand. That was the previous era of Neapl, where most of the people were illitrate about their rights so they were easily bruateled.But we are getting the result,the desire to take power on kings hand is nothing else than promotion of corruption, nepotism and slavery.
I am sure now the time has been changed, but the palace has not been changed yet.Many people were already known that what the palace has given to them. The palace which still belives that people are like sheep whom they can easily controlled by the power of gun, would be wrong. The whim of democracy if they will not understand and accept on time no body could save them from swept out.Sure, the day is not so far when the people will be able to decide thier future with their own mind. Then, the journalist of next five years would not have to suffer once again from gun. They will be free to write on the favour of people and the country ever and forever.
Oct 26, 2005
Oct 26, 2005
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